
Segment Domain (R, P, I)
& Level (1-6)
reacts to simple patterns in sound
reproduces or creates musical motifs and potentially links them together
interacts with others using sound
performs and/or improvises short and simple pieces of music with other people, which may increase in complexity over time
intentionally makes simple patterns in sound
performs and/or improvises solos of increasing sophistication expressively with other people
relates unwittingly through sound
recognises musical motifs and the relationships between them
performs and/or improvises solos of increasing sophistication persuasively within a given style and/or composes stylistically coherent pieces that are intended to convey particular effects
makes sounds unknowingly
attends to whole pieces of music, anticipating prominent structural features and responding to general characteristics
shows an awareness of sound
intentionally makes or controls sound
engages in dialogues using motifs
encounters sounds
copies others' sounds and/or is aware of own sounds being copied
has a mature, shared understanding and appreciation of the music of a particular culture, which may increase in complexity over time
performs, improvises and/or composes short and simple pieces of music, which may increase in complexity over time